1st Version / September 13-15 / 2024
Birding Routes Salento BirdFair
Birds inspire us

During the event, we offer eight different routes that will take you to explore the stunning landscapes and rich biodiversity of our region. Each day, participants will have the opportunity to choose a route to enjoy during an exciting field trip.

Las rutas Avistamiento Aves Salento BirdFair tienen un rango altitudinal que oscila entre 900 y 3300 metros sobre el nivel del mar, nuestras rutas te llevarán a través de una variedad de ecosistemas, desde bosques nublados hasta valles exuberantes. Con más de 475 especies de aves registradas en total, estas rutas ofrecen una oportunidad única para avistar una amplia variedad de aves y sumergirse en la naturaleza de Salento.

Get ready to live an unforgettable birdwatching experience and discover the beauty of our natural environment as you explore the routes of Salento!


Nature Reserve with over 500 hectares of old and young forests, as well as silvopastoral systems. The reserve boasts more than 250 recorded bird species and many more waiting to be discovered. Additionally, it features perfect feeding stations to admire the beauty of some species with all comforts. It is a perfect place for both experts and beginners in birdwatching. Here, birdwatching tours can be conducted along the multiple trails of the reserve or one can stay at the main house, awaiting the beauties that visit the feeding stations and the garden flowers.


  • Location: K8 Cocora Valley, 30 minutes from Salento.
  • Average Altitude: 2100 meters above sea level
  • Difficulty: Low
  • Recommendations: Comfortable clothing, binoculars, camera, drinking water, and sunscreen.
  • Click here for the list of birds on eBird.
  • Web site: https://birdglamping.com/

Reserva La Rivera

Natural reserve located within the Barbas - Bremen conservation area. In this place, Andean forests and permaculture intertwine, creating a mosaic that harbors more than 300 bird species. They specialize in bird photographers, with feeders designed especially for this audience, and it is the only place in Colombia where the Red-ruffed fruitcrow (Pyroderus scutatus) comes to the feeders. Here, birdwatching can be done along trails to try to spot the greatest number of species or by spending the morning waiting for the beauties that come to feed at the baiting stations.


  • Location: km 4 rural road El Roble - Morrazul
  • Altitude: 1950-2300 meters above sea level
  • Difficulty: Low - Medium
  • Recommendations: Comfortable clothing, binoculars, camera, drinking water, and sunscreen.
  • Click here for the list of birds on eBird.
  • Web site: https://www.reservalarivera.com.co/

Finca El Ocaso

Just 5 km from the main square of Salento and 16 km from the Cocora Valley, you'll find Finca El Ocaso. With a record of 182 bird species, it offers a unique experience amidst the mountains of one of Colombia's most renowned landscapes: the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Salento, Quindío, declared a World Heritage Site.


  • Location: 5 km from Salento
  • Average Altitude: 2100 meters above sea level
  • Recommendations: Comfortable clothing, binoculars, camera, drinking water, and sunscreen.
  • Click here for the list of birds on eBird.
  • Web site: www.fincaelocasosalento.com

Casa Selva

Nature reserve located 300 meters from the Coffee Highway, on the way to Salento. With an extension of 8 hectares in cloud forest and natural regeneration. It features a trail with over 180 registered bird species that runs along the Los Yarumos creek, a coffee plantation, and an experimental orchard.


  • Location: Vereda Los Pinos, 12 kilometers from the urban center of Salento
  • Altitude: 1750-1900 meters above sea level
  • Difficulty: Low
  • Recommendations: Comfortable clothing, long sleeves, insect repellent, hat, binoculars, and water.

La Patasola Nature Reserve

This natural reserve covers 150 hectares of Andean forests and is the third location with the highest number of registered birds for Quindío on the Ebird platform, with 331 species. This tour will be conducted by walking along the road leading to the reserve, observing the birds that inhabit the cloud forest. This tour is recommended for birdwatchers with some experience or beginners with skills in handling binoculars since spotting birds in the thickness of the forest is not an easy task.


  • Location: 10 kilometers from the Boquia village
  • Altitude: 1850- 2250 meters above sea level
  • Difficulty: Medium - High
  • Recommendations: Comfortable clothing, binoculars, camera, drinking water, and sunscreen.
  • Click here for the list of birds on eBird.

Vereda El Agrado

The route through Vereda El Agrado will be done entirely by walking alongside the Quindío River, the main watercourse that crosses our department and supplies water to multiple municipalities. This river is home to one of the most charismatic birds of our mountains, the Torrent Duck (Merganetta armata). The road we will be birdwatching on traverses an agricultural landscape where we can see a great diversity of crops intermingled with forests and bamboo groves along the river. This route is perfect for observing some waterfowl and a wide variety of birds that inhabit the open areas and agricultural landscapes of the coffee cultural landscape.


  • Location: Vereda el Agrado
  • Average Altitude: 907 meters above sea level
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Recommendations: Comfortable clothing, binoculars, camera, drinking water, and sunscreen.

Urban Zone Salento

Enjoy birdwatching in the heart of Salento, Quindío, where urban life meets nature. This route will take you through the streets of Salento, where you can spot a variety of urban birds and enjoy the beauty of colonial architecture. It boasts 223 registered bird species.


  • Ubicación: Salento, Quindío, Colombia
  • Altitude: 1900 meters above sea level
  • Difficulty: Low
  • Recommendations: Comfortable clothing, binoculars, camera, drinking water, and sunscreen.
  • Click here for the list of birds on eBird.

Camino Nacional

This birdwatching tour takes place along the road that leads from Salento to Cajamarca, traversing areas where forests, crops, forest plantations, and pastures blend together, from midlands to highlands, achieving great potential for birdwatching. This road is the second destination with the highest number of bird species recorded for the department on the Ebird platform (359 to date) and is entirely conducted in the traditional Jeep Willys, making strategic stops throughout the ascent.


  • Location: Salento - Cajamarca Road
  • Altitude: 1900 - 3300 meters above sea level
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Recommendations: Comfortable clothing, binoculars, camera, drinking water, and sunscreen.
  • Click here for the list of birds on eBird.
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